A welcomed headache

A welcomed headache written on 2005-12-02 @ 10:43 a.m.

I have such a headache this morning!! And I very rarely even get headaches.

The kids and I went to a New Song concert last night. It was awesome. It was so reviving. I recommitted my life to Christ and it was a very emotional time. I�ve been saved and baptized. I know that I�m a Christian. I know that if I were to die at this very moment that I�d be in the presence of my Lord and savior, but here lately I�ve been slipping and just needed to remake that commitment to the Lord. It was a very special time for me. At the time of the invitation, I knew that I was being called�. But I hesitated until my mom took me by the hand and led me down. It was.�whew, tearing up now, it was a great feeling.

I was not raised in church; my mom and dad seldom went. My sister and I would go at times with a friend, but never went on a regular basis. It wasn�t until my parents divorced that my mom started going to church on a regular basis. At that time my sister and I both went with her. So, going on a regular basis started about 15 years ago. We�ve been a member of this same church ever since. This is where I was saved and baptized. This is where we still go to church, but have backslid quite a bit in the last year or two. This meaning that I�ve neglected my kids from church too. They started to ask, �Mom, why don�t we go to church anymore�? I felt guilty and we�d go the next week, and then skip the next 3 weeks. Until it�s now gotten to the point that we go once every 2-3 months. I hate this. I hate that I�ve fallen into this rut. I want out for myself and my kids� and I�m getting out. I am not only making a commitment to the Lord, but to my kids as well. They look upon me and it�s my responsibility to teach them/lead them into the right direction.

Once we got home from the concert, I cried half the night last night. Which I�m sure lead to this horrible headache that I woke up with. It was after midnight before I fell asleep. Greg and I talked for a while about what happened to me last night and I woke up this morning feeling refreshed. I am redirecting my life down the path it was once on and I�m not turning back this time!!

Thank you Lord for opening my eyes once again�.Together we will beat the devil!!

Love, Karen

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