Unexpected e-mails

Unexpected e-mails written on 2003-12-18 @ 2:08 p.m.

I had something along the line of 23-24 e-mails of pictures from Rick (for my new readers, that�s my ex-boyfriend that transferred with the Navy) yesterday. They came out of the blue, nothing written in the e-mails, just attachments. Each e-mail included about 5-6 pictures. So, doing the math�that�s allot of pictures. A few pictures included his new girlfriend and if I must say so myself, he definitely down graded! Was that ugly? :O)

Anyway, I looked at all the pictures (mostly of his children) but did not reply. Today when I came back from lunch I had an e-mail from Rick asking me if I received all the pics he sent to me yesterday. I replied telling him yes, thanks for sending pics of the kids� however contact needed to come to an end (this is like the 2nd/3rd time I have told him this) because I have someone new in my life.

This was his response:

"I miss your kid and I do hope we can continue to keep in touch. I'll continue to send X-mas (Me:I got one from him a week ago) cards and I'll start including pics in them so you can watch them grow and I hope you do the same. For real. I believe everyone learns from their past relationships. From the good and the bad. The positive and negative. I just want to make one thing very very clear to you. The relationship you and I had was a very positive one and I will never, ever regret a second of it. Your friendship means everything in the world to me and I know, for your own reasons, that you want to stop communication completely with me. I can deal with that and I will. I also want to let you know that anytime, anywhere, you can contact me. Day or night. No worries, no problems. Even if I don't hear from you for 2 years, you can drop me a line, email, or whatever just to let me know how you, Greg and the kids are doing. For real. Take care of yourself Karen and I do wish you all the happiness. You deserve it."

I talked to Greg and Amanda both about this. Not sure why he sent the pictures out of the blue? I also miss his kids, and his friendship as well. Although I hate to lose contact with his children, I think it�s best for me. I�ve moved on with a man that I am TOTALLY in love with. Greg�s more than I could have ever asked for! And I think that for Rick to completely move on, he should comply in my request to cut all ties. I wish he and his children a life full of happiness.

Love, Karen

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