Back to work

Back to work written on 2005-12-27 @ 10:16 a.m.

I had to drag myself into work this morning! Blah to getting back into the daily routine.

Christmas was good. We had a good time.
This was the first year that I've not had my kids on Christmas. So, along with that, me not going to my grandparents and my mom not being here for Christmas (also a first for me).... I spent a few hours crying on Christmas, but everything was much better at about 9pm when I picked my kids up!

Christmas eve morning was exciting for all 4 of the kids. Greg and I could not wait for them to get their go-carts. We got two. One for his boys to share and one for my 2 to share. Needless to say, they were excited and we were a muddy mess yesterday after a full day of riding.

I'm kind of glad that all the hustle is over, but I'm kind of bummed that I still have not had Christmas with my mom yet. We are having Christmas when she returns from her in-laws on the 2nd. I'm glad that she and my step-dad were able to spend time with his family this year though. I know that it's hard on him every year being so far away from his mom, brothers and sisters. Although they are all grown with kids of their own, they are still little brothers and sisters, ya know? 30 of his family members rented out a 3-story house for this week and have been having a blast spending time together. Yesterday when mom and I talked, I could barely hear her for the karaoke that was going on in the background. I was shocked at the good voices in the family! So, yeah although I know mom is missing us, I know they are enjoying themselves in South Carolina too.

All in all, we had a good time with Greg's family and Greg and I had a good time together Christmas. It was a little weird, we didn't know what to do on Christmas without kids. So we went to the movies, TWICE!! We saw, Wedding Crashers and Just Friends.

Oh, and Greg got me Bo Bice's CD!! I love it!!

Well, better be back to it, my phone keeps ringing and ringing!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

Love, Karen

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Dreaded day - 2006-08-10
Yip-E - 2006-05-24
T@ylor Hicks - 2006-05-24
Bo Bice - 2006-05-19
Stolen from Zen - 2006-05-16

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