
Update written on 2004-10-30 @ 1:01 p.m.

Remember me....?

It's been a while since I've updated. I am always so busy with work and the kids school/sports activities, I barely have time to sleep.

We are all doing good. I've now been at my new job for 9 months. Time flies! Hunter just finished up his soccer season by winning the championship. Woot-Woot. Kayla started cheering about 3 weeks ago and Hunter's basketball season will be starting up in about a week. So as you can see, we are on the run from up to down!

It's been a year and a half since Greg and I started dating. Seems like I just met him yesterday. Still THAT much in love! He and I went to Universal again in May... and are flying out again the first of December. We are trying to get our monies worth before our annual passes expire in Jan.

Curtis is still off at rehab. He's been there for 9 months and will be there until May 2005. The kids have seen him 2 times since he's been there. He doesn't really call them much, or write. I think he's written them 4 letters since he's been gone and not called many more than that. Maybe he's just concentrating on changing?

He has changed lots since he's been there. He's still saturating himself with God's word and said that he's going to work in ministry when he graduates from the program?

We have Hunter�s soccer party tonight. It�s a skating party and all the kids are wearing their Halloween costumes. Hunter is an alien and Kayla�s going to be a Heavenly Fairy. They are pretty excited about that. Can�t say that I am though. I want to be lazy today.

Well, I�m going to run now and spend some time with Kayla. Greg and Hunter are gone to Outback for lunch�while Kayla and I bum...... ;O)

Love, Karen

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Miss something?
Dreaded day - 2006-08-10
Yip-E - 2006-05-24
T@ylor Hicks - 2006-05-24
Bo Bice - 2006-05-19
Stolen from Zen - 2006-05-16

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