Been a while, huh?

Been a while, huh? written on 2004-05-20 @ 8:57 p.m.

Hello everyone.... I'm still here; just to exhausted to update anymore.

The kids and I are doing well.

It's ball season right now so we've been spending many hours a week at the ball field. Just this weekend we have 2 games Friday night and 3 games Saturday. I love every tiring minute of it though.

Greg and I just returned from Orlando. We left out Thursday and flew back home Sunday. We had a good time at Universal. We're going to try to find reasonable priced tickets (kind of costly buying 6 tickets) so that we can take the kids back this summer before our annual passes run out.

Curtis has been in rehab for 3 months (10 more months remaining) now and is a TOTALLY different man (before I would not have called him a man). He doesn't speak a sentence without talking about how blessed he is. God is number one in his life right now. We drove to Hot Springs a month ago to see him for the first time since he entered rehab. He was the same ole Curtis that we knew before drugs entered into this life. Actually he's even a better Curtis than he was before the drugs.

I am amazed at how much he's changed in only 3 months... I can't imagine what he will be like with 10 more months of this ahead of him. The kids� miss him, but they also understand that daddy is gone to get help. They are being so strong!

There is one thing that has made me do a little research. I was raised in a Baptist church, still attend a Baptist church. During our marriage Curtis and I always went to a Baptist church with our children. I received a Mother's Day card from Curtis and he told me that he had been baptized/filled with the Holy Spirit and had been given the gift to speak in tongues. He's being taught Assembly of God at this rehab. Which maybe an OK thing. I know very little about the religion or speaking in tongues. It startled me a little bit so I have been trying to web search the topic. If any of you are Assembly of God or have any knowledge of "speaking in tongues"... I'd love to learn anything you can teach me. I am not saying this is a bad thing, not saying that at all. I just want to be educated on it, that's all.

Today is Greg's youngest sons 9th Birthday. The kids are looking forward to the party: riding go-carts and playing laser quest! I wanna play too.

Greg and I are doing great. He's still as wonderful as he was the day I met him. After a year you'd think that the newness would have worn off a little, but I think the butterflies and gushy stuff is getting stronger and stronger. I love this man so much!

I better get off this computer now... we have not been in from ball practice to long, so I've got to get ready for yet another busy day tomorrow.

I hope everyone is doing wonderful!

Love, Karen

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Dreaded day - 2006-08-10
Yip-E - 2006-05-24
T@ylor Hicks - 2006-05-24
Bo Bice - 2006-05-19
Stolen from Zen - 2006-05-16

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