Our Weekend

Our Weekend written on 2003-10-20 @ 10:44 a.m.

**This is the first time since mid-day Friday this stupid thing has let me post an entry!**

We were on the go somewhat all weekend long.

Hunter�s team won both of their games Saturday. This was the first weekend of tournaments, so they play next Saturday for the championship. I�m so proud of these guys. They�ve come along way since the beginning of the year. Their practice and hard work has paid off for them. They are now playing for 1st place! Gooo Trojans!!

Oh yeah, and they beat a team Saturday that had beat us twice throughout the season. We parents loved it because the opposing teams coach is one of those guys that isn�t happy for his players unless they win every game. He�s got a horrible attitude and doesn�t deserve to be coaching kids. I can�t stand coaches like this guy. Anyway, we snickered in victory after this game, especially since we had just played an hour before and our guys didn�t have enough time to build energy back up...but still won. So, nah...take THAT Tornadoes coach!

Sorry had to brag a little. (And, I saved you a little grief by not elaborating on Curtis and the crack wh**es he brought with him to my sons game, UGH!)

So�. After soccer Saturday, we had my nieces 3rd Birthday party to go to. The kids had a blast with all their cousins. Hunter went home with my brother to spend the night after the party; Kayla wanted to stay with mommie. *big smile*

Kayla went to bed rather early Saturday night so Greg and I were able to cuddle up some. We held each other as we stared into one another�s eyes listening to love songs (Have You Ever Been In Love by Celine Dion being my favorite). It was great! I went to bed smiling and feeling all fuzzy inside. I love this man sooo much, right Mollie? LOL..

Sunday was fix Karen�s leaking bathtub day. Greg started at about 11am and left at 10pm last night, still not finished. I felt bad for him because it became much more of a project than expected. He�s coming back tonight to finish it up. I�m excited to have all new fixtures, but I�ll be much more excited to have running water again. *sigh*

Poor Kayla, she smashed her thumb in the car door yesterday. She's got a nice purple thumb and nail now. I told her that her nail would end up falling off and she asked me if her thumb was going to fall off too since it was purple. LOL�. Kids, I love em to death!

Love, Karen

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